First Person Supercar Driving Review

Screenshot from 2016-05-06 17-07-43Supercar experiences are one of our most popular activities and it’s easy to see why, but we wanted the low-down on exactly what makes them so much fun. So we sent our resident Brummie petrol head Mike to get the inside track.. and after Aston Villa’s car-crash season we thought he might need a little cheering up!

Over to Mike for all the details on his driving experience:

“When I arrived at RAF Elvington for my driving experience a lot of the cars were already out on the track, and they looked amazing. There were supercars everywhere, and they ranged from Ferraris and Lambos to Aston Martins and Audis. Because I’d tried karting, quad biking and 4×4 driving before I wasn’t nervous at all, and to be honest I was just desperate to take some of the cars for a spin.

Choosing which cars to drive was harder than I thought though, but after eyeing them up I decided on a Lamborghini, a McLaren and an Ariel Atom. I’ve always wanted my own Lambo, and after seeing the Ariel Atom tear round the track I couldn’t resist giving it a go.

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The instructor Chris was really helpful and showed me exactly how to get the best out of each car, and once I’d got to grips with the flappy paddle gearbox I was ready to hit the track in my first car of the day. The acceleration in the cars is absolutely insane, and I genuinely couldn’t believe how fast they were. The only thing I can compare it to is a roller coaster ride.. and even that doesn’t come close!

The cars are definitely what makes the experience so much fun, and even if you’ve never Screenshot from 2016-05-06 16-15-07driven a supercar before you can still hit some serious speeds. Driving the Ariel Atom was just like being let loose in an F1 car, but the other cars were just as much fun and you really notice a difference between them when you’re at the wheel.

The only piece of advice I would give is to make the most of your time at the wheel because it absolutely flies by. The cars are tailor-made for speed too, so don’t be afraid to really push them to the limit – believe me it’s worth it!

I’ll definitely be trying another driving experience and next time I visit the track I’ll be putting the Ferraris and Aston Martins through their paces!”

If like Mike you’ve got a need for speed, why not visit one of our 29 driving experience venues across the UK & Ireland. The venue Mike visited was our York location, and he took part in a 3 Supercar Thrill. To find your nearest venue simply follow this link.

Be Like Bond This Half Term

The wait is finally over, three years after his last big screen appearance Bond is back! If like us you’ve always dreamt of pulling on a tuxedo and being Bond for the day here’s how you can make your dream a reality..

Drive like 007

When he’s not clearing up at the casino, or smooth talking his way out of trouble Bond’s normally behind the wheel of his beloved Aston Martin, and our heart-racing driving experiences give you the chance to find out first hand just how fast his rides really are!

Bond Aston

Fly Like 007

Judging by his on-screen antics 007 is a bit of an adrenaline junkie, which is probably why we love him so much here at Activity HQ! His stunts are the stuff of legend and one of our favourites is a death-defying skydive that features notorious Bond baddie Jaws, but don’t worry we promise to leave him behind if you decide to take the plunge from 15,000 feet!


Shoot like 007

Bond is one of the most lethal marksmen at MI6 thanks to the endless amount of bad guys that come his way, and if you want a similar test of shooting skill clay pigeons are just as hard to hit and almost as evil!

Daniel Craig - New James Bond movie Casino Royale

Make the Most of the Mud with a Quad Trek!

The mud and mayhem of a quad trek can be enjoyed by almost anybody and although quad bikes were originally created to make the lives of farmers and land owners easier they’re much more fun in the hands of an adrenalin junkie!

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Quad bikes are also known as ATVs (all terrain vehicles) and as the name suggests they’re perfect for exploring the most rugged and rural parts of the countryside. From rough and rocky off-road tracks to winding woodland trails these four-wheeled beasts can conquer almost any terrain, which means nowhere is off limits!

A quad trek can take place almost anywhere, from the Australian Outback to the Dubai desert but here in the UK we have the perfect conditions for quad biking. After all who needs sunshine and soaring temperatures when you’ve got relentless rain and mud by the bucket load! As far as we’re concerned the more mud and rain there is the better because there’s nothing more fun than racing through puddles and churning up the mud on a quad bike.

In the UK treks normally take place on farmland and country estates and incorporate a whole host of natural obstacles, from impossibly steep hills to ditches and dirt tracks, you never know what’s lurking around the next bend! The quads don’t do all the hard work though and your driving skills will be put to the ultimate test as you work your way round the tricky off-road courses.

quad trek

So if you want to explore the most rugged and rural parts of the country a quad trek is the perfect combination of mud and mayhem! To book your off-road adventure head over to and get ready for some serious four-wheeled fun!

5 Valentine’s Activities Guaranteed To Get Your Heart Racing!

There’s more than one way to get your heart racing this Valentine’s Day, and with just over one week left before the big day it’s probably a good time to start thinking about what’s going to make the perfect present. With that in mind here’s a look at some Valentine’s treats that are guaranteed to make your day even more memorable, and more importantly save you from the annual last minute trolley dash!

Romantic Shoot and Stay


For a romantic getaway you’ll both love a shoot and stay voucher is the complete package and combines the rest and relaxation of a short break with the fun and thrills of a clay pigeon shooting experience. Your break starts at the shooting ground where you and your partner will take on either 25 or 50 clays each before heading back to your hotel for a romantic meal and relaxing overnight stay, all included in the cost.

Tandem Bungee Jump


If you’re looking for a more extreme adrenalin rush to take on as a twosome, a tandem bungee jump is a surefire way to find out how brave you really are! Strapped together by your ankles, you and your partner will take the ultimate leap of faith from 160ft in the air. Whether you leap from a bridge or crane sharing this truly once in a lifetime activity is guaranteed to bring you closer together, after all how many couples can say they spent Valentine’s Day hurtling head first towards the ground!

Hot Air Balloon Ride


Take your romance to new heights by heading for the clouds in the wicker basket of a hot air balloon for a unique bird’s eye view of some of the most picturesque parts of the UK. The giant balloons ascend to heights of between 500-1500 feet and can travel up to 10 miles in a single journey giving you the perfect opportunity to take in the sights as you glide along the horizon. Once you’re back on the safety of solid ground it’s tradition to raise a glass to a successful flight, and any experience which finishes with a glass of champagne is guaranteed to score you some serious brownie points!

Segway Experience


If you’re looking for an activity that guarantees fun, look no further! From full throttle races, to off-road treks and tours almost anything is possible on a Segway. The futuristic transporters may only have a top speed of 12.5 mph but they’re perfect for racing! Thrashing your Valentine in a Segway race and rubbing it in their face all day probably isn’t the most romantic way to spend a day, so if you’re looking for a more sedate experience there are a whole host of parks, off-road tracks and even country estates that are perfect for exploring on a Segway.


zorb ball

This awesome activity is guaranteed to have you head over heels by the end of the day as you and your partner climb inside a giant Zorb ball for the ride of your lives! Secured on opposite sides of the ball by harness you’ll be able to see the look of terror on each others faces as you bump, bounce, rock and roll down the steep sloped track. Once the initial shock of bouncing down a hillside in giant ball has passed the laughter kicks in, and you’re guaranteed to be in stitches when the ball finally comes to a halt at the bottom of the track.


karting overtake

If you’re always arguing about who’s the better driver this is definitely one way to settle the argument for good! A day at the track gives you the perfect opportunity to let out all that built up frustration and satisfy your need for speed as you battle it out to be first across the line. If you’ve not got a score to settle karting can be just as much fun, but it does make victory taste that little bit sweeter! Who said romance was dead?

New Years Bucket List: 10 Activities to Try in 2015

If after a week you’re already thinking about giving up on your New Year’s resolutions why not aim to tick a few things off your bucket list in 2015 instead, and if you’re in need of a bit of inspiration here’s 10 awesome activities to try in the new year.

1. Bungee Jumping


Whether you choose to go it alone or drag a friend along for a tandem bungee jump nothing comes close to the rush of plummeting towards the ground head first!

2. Skydiving


Jumping out of a plane at 15,000 feet might not be everybody’s idea of fun, but this truly once-in-a-lifetime experience is guaranteed to push your adrenalin levels to new heights.

3. Zorbing

zorb ball

These bonkers bouncy balls are as fun as they are thrilling, and as you bump and bounce down the sloped track you’re guaranteed to be in stitches!

4. Clay Pigeon Shooting


There’s nothing more satisfying than blowing clays to smithereens as they soar through the air so why not put your sharp shooting skills to the ultimate test!

5. Supercar Driving Experience


Celebrate the new year in style by getting behind the wheel of the car of your dreams and finding out what it’s really capable of by putting it through its paces on the track.

6. White Water Rafting

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Britain is home to some of the wildest white water in the world which means there’s no better place to experience the intense excitement of negotiating boulder strewn rapids.

7. 4×4 Off-Road Driving

off roading

Why not put your driving skills to the ultimate test by heading off the beaten to take on a mad and muddy off-road driving course.

8. Paintball


If you’ve always dreamt of unleashing your inner action hero, paintball gives you the perfect opportunity to live out your childhood dreams, no matter how old you are!

9. Segway


From flat out races to off-road treks there’s no end to the fun that can be had on Segway, and almost anybody can master the art of riding the futuristic transporter.

10. Quad Biking

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Quad bikes can conquer almost any terrain so get ready for some mud churning mayhem as you take on the ultimate off-road adventure.